Privacy Policy of Uploading Users' Installed Application Information via Mintegral SDK


Mintegral SDK may collect and upload installed application information for the purpose of delivering and tracking these advertisements. Mintegral SDK may access App list and collect and upload the application package names of the applications installed on your device. Mintegral SDK use the above information to better count, track and provide advertisements based on suitability, language, geography.
2. How And Why Mintegral SDK Collect and upload Installed Application Information
Depending on the nature of a User’s interaction, Mintegral SDK may collect and upload installed application information. The reasons and purposes for Mintegral SDK to collect and upload installed application information are for displaying ads on Users’ device, including building profile about Users in order to serve interest-based ads based on installed application information Mintegral SDK collect and upload; monitoring traffic and measuring the performance and effectiveness of ads including preventing any fraud; understanding and analyzing Users’ usage trends and preferences; improving Mintegral SDK service. Mintegral SDK may collect and upload installed application version and characteristic of the app used by you when you interact with Mintegral SDK Service. When Mintegral SDK collect and upload installed application information, the purpose is to provide better advertisement service.
3. How Mintegral SDK Use Installed Application Information
Mintegral SDK use installed application information to display ads on your applications. Ads may be shown to you based on the content you’re viewing, the app you’re using. Mintegral SDK may build profile about you and your interest and to show you personalized ads or behavioral ads which are relevant to you and customized to your inferred interests, preferences and other features based on profile about installed application information.
4. Disclosure of Installed Application Information
We disclose the installed application information to our users (i) to measure the performance and effectiveness of ads that you see or interact with, including measuring the traffic quality in order to perform Mintegral SDK contractual obligations to Mintegral business partners; (ii) to understand and analyze your usage trends and preferences, improve Mintegral SDK Service, and to develop new products; (iii) for purpose of monitoring and preventing fraudulent activity. Mintegral SDK may use installed application information to measure Users’ ad/site interaction and evaluate the performance and effectiveness of ads that User see or interact with, identify Users’ interest areas, better understand the app traffic usage or User behavior in order to improve Mintegral SDK services. The usage of the installed application information that we disclose will be governed by privacy policies.
5. Security of Installed Application Information
The security of installed application information is our utmost priority, and Mintegral SDK take strict measures in order to protect installed application information via Mintegral SDK from unauthorized access, use, disclosure or destruction of installed application information via Mintegral SDK. Mintegral SDK have implemented physical, technical and administrative security measures for the Services that comply with applicable laws and industry standards. 

Privacy Policy of Uploading Users' Installed Application Information via Mintegral SDK

​We create and publish free mobile games and applications that aim to entertain, inform and connect people by leveraging global creative power. Our app is uploading users' installed application information via Mintegral SDK.
The purpose of this policy is to provide you with all the important information and explanations about how and why some of your installed application information via Mintegral SDK may be collect and uploaded and processed by Mod-Box when you use one of our applications or browse on our app (Our app is uploading users' installed application information via Mintegral SDK.). This privacy policy governs and details the main principles that Mod-Box applies to the installed application information via Mintegral SDK we collect and upload and process to:
(i) develop and publish mobile apps (“Mod-Box Apps and Games”),
(ii) serve advertising that are tailored to the interests of users (“Mod-Box  Ads”) and
This policy also aims to remind you about your rights and to provide you with all the elements you need to exercise them.
Should you have any questions related to this policy or our practices around privacy and installed application information via Mintegral SDK protection in general, please don’t hesitate to contact Mod-Box Installed application information via Mintegral SDK Protection Officer as indicated in the contact section of this policy. 
Mod-Box apps and games
Why does Mod-Box collect and upload installed application information via Mintegral SDK from its apps and games?
When you install and use Mod-Box mobile applications, we can collect and upload and process some of your installed application information via Mintegral SDK for different legitimate purposes with users' installed application information via Mintegral SDK..
You will find below explanations regarding the reasons why Mod-Box may collect and upload installed application information via Mintegral SDK and the legal bases Mod-Box relies on in each case. 
Mod-Box collect and uploads users' installed application information via Mintegral SDK.: 
·       To provide you with the services you asked for
(e.g., knowing that you completed the first level to allow access to the second one)
o   Legal basis – such installed application information via Mintegral SDK processing is strictly necessary for the service(s) asked
·       To run analytics and understand how users interact with our product and services in order to continuously improve it
(e.g. identifying that a feature is annoying for users or that a level is too difficult for most gamers)
o   Legal basis - Express consent. Mod-Box only processes or shares personal installed application information via Mintegral SDK collect and uploaded through Mod-Box apps for analytics purposes once you express your consent through the pop-up notice included in our apps.
·       To serve advertising tailored to the preference and interests of our users
and allow Mod-Box to continue to provide free services and products
o   Legal basis – Express consent. Mod-Box only processes or shares personal installed application information via Mintegral SDK collect and uploaded through Mod-Box apps for personalized advertising purposes once you express your consent through the pop-up notice included in one of our apps.
For all installed application information via Mintegral SDK processing activities that rely on users’ consent, you can withdraw your consent at any time from the “settings” page in our various applications.
Please only note that in the case where you withdraw your consent or where you refuse to consent in the first place, you will still be served with advertising but that may be less relevant to you as it will not be tailored to your interests.
What users' installed application information does Mod-Box collect and upload from its apps and games via Mintegral SDK?
For all the purposes listed above the installed application information via Mintegral SDK that Mod-Box collect and upload is limited to:
·       The apps you are using
·       Your Mobile Advertising ID (Apple IDFA or Google AAID - which are technical identifiers developed by mobile operating systems for advertising purposes which remain under your control and can be reset or erased at any time in through your device settings)
·       Technical information about the device you use and your connection (user agent, type of connection, timestamp)
·       Installed application information via Mintegral SDK pertaining to your activities on our applications and notably the way in which you interact with our applications (for instance, how and when you use our applications) and with the advertising served in our applications (for instance, number of ads served, potential clicks)
With who may your installed application information via Mintegral SDK be shared & why?
Mod-Box does not share your personal installed application information via Mintegral SDK with third parties without your prior consent. 
When you consent to the collect and upload installed application information via Mintegral SDK for advertising and analytics purpose, we may share the installed application information via Mintegral SDK listed above with the following categories of recipients:
·       Ad Partners: that allow us to monetize the ad inventory of our apps and provide users with free products and services.
Those partners usually collect and upload installed application information via Mintegral SDK via their own tools (Software Development Kits or “SDK”). You will find a list of our partners implementing advertising SDKs through our applications and the privacy policies of their services that describe their practices and allow you to exercise your rights directly toward them hereafter:
o   Adcolony -
o   Applovin -
o   Criteo -
o   Fyber -
o   Inmobi -
o   Ironsource -
o   Mintegral -
o   Mopub -
o   Oath -
o   Ogury -
o   Tapjoy -
o   Vungle -
·       Analytic companies: that provide us with tools and technologies that allow us to better understand how users interact with our services and will help us improve it. Those partners also usually collect and upload installed application information via Mintegral SDK via their own SDKs. You will find a list of our partners implementing analytical SDKs through our applications hereafter:
o   Adjust -
o   GameAnalytics -
o   Mixpanel -
o   Tenjin -
·       Authorities: only to the extent we are obliged to by applicable laws and regulations.
Mod-Box ads
Why does Mod-Box collect and upload installed application information via Mintegral SDK for advertising purposes?
Mod-Box Ads services allow Mod-Box and its publisher partners (most of the time Mod-Box Ads partners are third party mobile application providers) to monetize advertising inventory by allowing advertisers to serve personalized advertising to users. 
In order to deliver such services for its clients and partners, Mod-Box can receive and process installed application information via Mintegral SDK for different legitimate purposes. 
You will find below explanations regarding the reasons why Mod-Box may collect and upload installed application information via Mintegral SDK and the legal bases it relies on in each case. 
·       To help our publisher partners monetize their ad inventory
o   Just like Mod-Box rely on advertising to provide free apps and games, our partners can use Mod-Box Ads services to monetize their ad inventory.
·       To help advertiser partners promote their products and services
o   Mod-Box ads services help advertisers promoting their products and services to an audience that has demonstrated interests in similar products and services and allow them to optimize their marketing spends.
·       To improve Mod-Box Ads services
o   Mod-Box is committed to constantly improve the services delivered to its publishers and advertisers. In order to do so, Mod-Box Ads processes the installed application information via Mintegral SDK listed below in a way that notably allows us to better understand how users interact with the ads of our advertiser partners and optimize their user experience.
For all these purposes we contractually oblige our partners to collect and upload the express consent of their users before any installed application information via Mintegral SDK is sent to Mod-Box Ads.
What installed application information via Mintegral SDK does Mod-Box collect and upload for advertising purposes?
For all the purposes listed above the installed application information via Mintegral SDK that Mod-Box collect and upload is limited to:
·       The apps you are using
·       Your IP address
·       Your Mobile Advertising ID (Apple IDFA or Google AAID - which are technical identifiers developed by mobile operating systems for advertising purposes which remain under your control and can be reset or erased at any time in your device settings)
·       Technical information about the device you use and your connection (user agent, type of connection, timestamp)
·       Installed application information via Mintegral SDK pertaining to your interactions with the advertisements served (e.g., number of ads served, potential clicks)
With who is your installed application information via Mintegral SDK shared & why?
Installed application information via Mintegral SDK collect and uploaded for the purposes of our Mod-Box Ads services are only shared with the following categories of recipients and only to the extent such installed application information via Mintegral SDK is necessary for the purpose they are following: 
·       Advertisers that are using Mod-Box Ads services to serve personalized or non-personalized advertising.
·       Publishers that are using Mod-Box Ads services to monetize their advertising inventory.​

1. Introduction
This Policy applies to installed application information via Mintegral SDK collect, upload and use by Mintegral while Users: (i) view ads served by the Mintegral Services;(ii) interact with the Mintegral Services; or (iii) interact with platforms, applications, websites or other services provided by Mintegral’s business partners (e.g. app publisher, advertiser).
Our technology enables our partners to show Users more relevant advertising that is based on Users’ interests and behaviors. In order to provide Mintegral Services, we may collect and upload and use certain installed application information via Mintegral SDK about User activity and preferences. We understand how important it is to keep such User’s personal installed application information via Mintegral SDK confidential and discrete, especially in today’s online world. To this end, we have designed this Policy in a format that is easy to navigate and read so that our privacy practices can be clearly understood.
The Mintegral Services may link to third party websites, Apps or other third party content. Please note that we cannot control the treatment of a User’s installed application information via Mintegral SDK by such third parties, and that the privacy practices of third parties likely differ from those described in this Policy.
2. How And Why We Collect and upload Users’ Installed application information via Mintegral SDK
Depending on the nature of a User’s interaction with the Mintegral Services, or any service provided by Mintegral’s business partners, we may collect and upload installed application information via Mintegral SDK directly from such User or from our business partners (e.g. mobile application developers, Ad Exchange platforms, and advertisers). For example, when we partner with an Ad Exchange platform and the Ad Exchange platform initiates an ad request to our DSP, it may share User’s installed application information via Mintegral SDK with us.
As a mobile ad platform, the reasons and purposes for us to collect and upload Users’ personal installed application information via Mintegral SDK are for displaying ads on Users’ device, including building profile about Users in order to serve interest-based ads based on installed application information via Mintegral SDK we collect and upload; monitoring traffic and measuring the performance and effectiveness of ads including preventing any fraud; understanding and analyzing Users’ usage trends and preferences; improving our service and develop our new products; ensuring the safty and security of process and system.
When we collect and upload installed application information via Mintegral SDK about our partners’ business representatives such as name and email address, our purpose is to contact them for business communication including necessary communication for purpose of performing the agreements with our partners.
3. Installed application information via Mintegral SDK We May Collect and upload From Users
When you view ads served by Mintegral Service or interact with services provided by Mintegral’s business partners, we and/or our business partners may collect and upload your installed application information via Mintegral SDK.
We or our business partners may collect and upload your personal installed application information via Mintegral SDK including the following: device make, device model, operating system and the OS version of the device, device type (e.g. smartphone, tablet, etc.), screen size, orientation and battery, carrier installed application information via Mintegral SDK, version and characteristic of the app used by you when you interact with Mintegral’s Service, country, time zone and locale settings (country and preferred language), network connection type, IP address, SDK version, timestamp, network status such as WiFi, mobile advertising identifier, device event installed application information via Mintegral SDK such as crashes, system activity, hardware settings, the date and time of your request and referral URL, user-agent, package name of the app of Mintegral’s business partners, IDFV, system file size, system update time, system boot time, device user name, RAM (random access memory), remaining available RAM, CPU version. We or our business partners may also collect and upload international mobile equipment identity (IMEI) and Android ID solely for mainland China.
In particular, where Mintegral acts as Demand Side Platform (“DSP”) serving ads to Ad Exchange, our business partners acting as our Ad Exchange may collect and upload and share your personal installed application information via Mintegral SDK with us including the following: screen size & orientation, device make, model, operating system, operating system version, device type, version and characteristic of the app used by you when you interact with the Mintegral Services, carrier installed application information via Mintegral SDK, network connection type, IP address, user-agent; country, time zone and locale settings (country and preferred language) and mobile advertising identifier.
We provide Mintegral Service for our business partners such as mobile application developers and advertisers. We may collect and upload name, job title, email address, account name and password, IP address and address of individuals using Mintegral Services on behalf of our business partners, such as employees of our mobile application developers or advertisers.
4. How We Use Users’ Personal Installed application information via Mintegral SDK
Your device might be distinguished from other devices based on installed application information via Mintegral SDK it automatically send, such as IP address or browser. Your device may be identified based on a scan of your device’s unique combination of characteristics. Identifier for Advertiser or other installed application information via Mintegral SDK may be stored or accessed on your device for purposes presented to you under this Policy. Your device can receive and send installed application information via Mintegral SDK that allows you to see and interact with ads and content. We use your personal installed application information via Mintegral SDK to display ads on your device. Ads may be shown to you based on the content you’re viewing, the app you’re using, your approximate location, or your device type. We may build profile about you and your interest and to show you personalized ads or behavioral ads which are relevant to you and customized to your inferred interests, preferences, locations and other features based on profile about you. Where required, our business partners (e.g. publishers) will obtain User consent for and on our behalf for our processing of User personal installed application information via Mintegral SDK for profiling and displaying ads, including personalized ads or behavioral ads, on a User’s device. A User can withdraw their consent at any time.
Where necessary in our legitimate interests we use your personal installed application information via Mintegral SDK: (i) to measure the performance and effectiveness of ads that you see or interact with, including measuring the traffic quality in order to perform our contractual obligations to our business partners; (ii) to understand and analyze your usage trends and preferences, improve our Mintegral Service, and to develop new products; (iii) for purpose of monitoring and preventing fraudulent activity, and ensuring systems and processes work properly and securely.
We may also collect and upload and use personal installed application information via Mintegral SDK of Users who are representing our business partners to use Mintegral Service (e.g. employees of our publishers or advertisers) for purpose of business contact and direct marking (e.g. sending marketing emails). Where required, our business partner will obtain such Users’ consent for and on our behalf for our processing of their personal installed application information via Mintegral SDK.
We may also use personal installed application information via Mintegral SDK about Users to comply with applicable laws, regulations or codes of practice, and to protect our legitimate interest and protect the rights or property of us or any other third parties.
5. Disclosure of Users’ Personal Installed application information via Mintegral SDK
We may disclose the User’s personal installed application information via Mintegral SDK to our business partners, including our advertisers, to report the measurement of the performance and effectiveness of ads that User see or interact with, including measuring the traffic quality in order to perform our contractual obligations to our business partners (e.g. advertisers), and to prevent fraudulent activity.. These business partners may use the Users’ personal installed application information via Mintegral SDK to measure Users’ ad/site interaction and evaluate the performance and effectiveness of ads that User see or interact with, identify Users’ interest areas, better understand the site and app traffic usage or User behavior in order to improve their services. Our business partners’ use of the installed application information via Mintegral SDK that we disclose to them will be governed by their privacy policies.
We may also use third party technical service providers (e.g. cloud service provider) to process the Users’ personal installed application information via Mintegral SDK for purpose of ensuring systems and processes work properly and securely, and for purpose of installed application information via Mintegral SDK storage.
We may also share aggregate or anonymous installed application information via Mintegral SDK with other third parties in accordance with the terms of this Policy.
Our affiliates may also have access to Users’ personal installed application information via Mintegral SDK for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy.
We may share Users’ personal installed application information via Mintegral SDK as required or permitted by law to comply with a subpoena or similar legal process or government request, or when we believe in good faith that disclosure is legally required or otherwise necessary to protect our rights and property, or the rights, property or safety of others, including to advisers, law enforcement agencies, judicial and regulatory authorities. We may also transfer Users’ personal installed application information via Mintegral SDK to a third party that acquires all or part of our assets or shares, or that succeeds us in carrying on all or a part of our business, whether by merger, acquisition, reorganisation or otherwise.
6. International Transfers
When you are located in the EEA, personal installed application information via Mintegral SDK collect and uploaded from you, including through our Mintegral Service, will be transferred to recipients in countries located outside the EEA, including in China, US and countries which may not be decided by the European Commission that it provides an adequate level of protection to personal installed application information via Mintegral SDK. Where required by law, the publisher and/or advertiser will obtain your consent to the transfer of your personal installed application information via Mintegral SDK to Minegral, Mintegral’s affiliates, and/or any recipients as described in this Privacy Policy, which are located outside the EEA. You may withdraw your consent at any time.
7. Your Installed application information via Mintegral SDK Rights
If you are in the EEA, you have a right to (subject to a limited number of exceptions as permitted by GDPR): (i) request access to and rectification or erasure of your personal installed application information via Mintegral SDK; (ii) obtain restriction of processing or to object to processing of your personal installed application information via Mintegral SDK; and (iii) ask for a copy of your personal installed application information via Mintegral SDK to be provided to them, or a third party, in a digital format. You also have the right to lodge a complaint about the processing of your personal installed application information via Mintegral SDK with your local installed application information via Mintegral SDK protection authority in the EEA.
If you are residents of the State of California in the United States, effective from January 1, 2020, you have a right to:
(i) exercise certain consumer rights such as request to know, disclose, access or delete your installed application information via Mintegral SDK, collect and uploaded in the last 12 months, by writing to us; and (ii) opt out of selling of your installed application information via Mintegral SDK by contacting us.
Guidance of Opt out
You can opt-out from receiving interest-based advertising or behavioural advertising from Mintegral on supported devices following the guideline below.
• When you have opted out using this setting on a device, Mintegral will not use in-app installed application information via Mintegral SDK collect and uploaded from that device to infer your interests or serve ads to that device that are targeted based on your inferred interests.
• Your mobile web browser may also provide a “Do Not Track” browser setting. When you have enabled this setting in your browser, Mintegral will not use mobile web browsing installed application information via Mintegral SDK from that browser to infer your interests or serve ads to that device that are targeting based on your inferred interests.
8. Security of Users’ Personal Installed application information via Mintegral SDK
The security of User’s installed application information via Mintegral SDK is our utmost priority, and we take strict measures in order to protect our installed application information via Mintegral SDK from unauthorized access, use, disclosure or destruction of installed application information via Mintegral SDK. We have implemented physical, technical and administrative security measures for the Services that comply with applicable laws and industry standards. For example, we use firewalls, encryption technology and other automated software designed to protect against fraud and identity theft; our installed application information via Mintegral SDK is only stored in centers that provide high-level security for User’s installed application information via Mintegral SDK. Physical access is strictly controlled both at the perimeter and at building ingress points by our staff utilizing video surveillance and other electronic means.
We also protect User’s privacy by seeking to minimize the amount of sensitive installed application information via Mintegral SDK that we store on our servers in the first place. We also seek appropriate contractual protection from our partners regarding their treatment of user installed application information via Mintegral SDK.
Mintegral may retain the installed application information via Mintegral SDK relating to you collect and uploaded from our business partners as necessary for the provision of the services, internal analytical purposes, or to comply with its legal obligations, resolve disputes and enforce agreements (e.g. settlement). We will only keep your personal installed application information via Mintegral SDK for as long as necessary and in any event in relation to personal installed application information via Mintegral SDK collect and uploaded by us according to this Policy we will only keep this personal installed application information via Mintegral SDK for no less than two (2) years. The criteria used to determine the retention periods include: (i) how long the personal installed application information via Mintegral SDK is needed to provide the services and operate the business; (ii) the type of personal installed application information via Mintegral SDK collect and uploaded; and (iii) whether we are subject to a legal, contractual or similar obligation to retain the installed application information via Mintegral SDK (e.g., mandatory installed application information via Mintegral SDK retention laws, government orders to preserve installed application information via Mintegral SDK relevant to an investigation, or installed application information via Mintegral SDK that must be retained for the purposes of litigation or disputes).
9. Children
We ensure that we comply with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). Publishers with apps directed to children under the age of thirteen (13) must enable the COPPA settings when using the Mintegral Services. This allows Mintegral to ensure that any persistent identifiers collect and uploaded about Users of apps that are flagged as “child-directed” will be processed according to the requirements of COPPA, including not being used to serve behaviorally-targeted ads or track users for such purposes. In addition, we will not knowingly collect and upload any other personal installed application information via Mintegral SDK (such as the precise geo-location of Users’ devices) from Users of Apps that we know to be directed to children under the age of thirteen (13).
If a parent or guardian becomes aware that his or her child has provided us with installed application information via Mintegral SDK without their consent, he or she should promptly contact us and we take reasonable steps to ensure that such installed application information via Mintegral SDK is deleted from our files.

